Advice & Guidance For The Development Of Your Sporting Facilities.
Objectives: To support organisations to achieve their aspirations through the following service packages
Tailored Support For Your Organisation Providing The Best Advice and Guidance For The Development Of Your Sporting Facilities.
Maximise the potential of your organisations sporting facilities to fulfil your objectives.
Club Development Package
Provide club development and business plan solutions to grassroots sports organisations.
Large Facility Project Package
Delivery of facility projects on a consultancy basis
Development of funding applications, including NGB guidance, pre-application advice and supporting documentation.
Small Facility Project Package
Small facility grant development.
Funding Appraisal Package
- Bespoke potential funding source appraisal across both capital and revenue based funding support.
Relationship Management & Insight Package
Bespoke relationship development with Local Authorities, County Sports Partnerships and insight-led support providing long term sustainability
Support towards completion of Playing Pitch Strategies and Local Delivery Plans.
Research and data service to support development and use of insight to maximise outcomes.