Perth Green Community Association


Consultant services to Football Foundation supported 3G FTP project.


Development of a 3G FTP in Jarrow, South Tyneside for a Community Association, and local partner clubs. Sited in a residential area, with high levels of deprivation and low engagement with sport, partnerships were created with Sunderland AFC’s Foundation of Light to provide specific activities for local young people and residents, as well as two local clubs which will provide a first-class facility for training and match play. Links established to local primary schools to utilise the site during curriculum and post curriculum times to maximise usage – offer to schools comes at no cost to them.


Engaging with residents as part of the initial consultation process for the project was a key aspect of ensuring support for the project, as it is in a residential area. By providing accurate and specific information on the project, usage plans and impact on the local community – support for the project was overwhelming with only one minor planning concern being lodged – related to loss of ecological space.

Developing an excellent working relationship with the local ward councillors, as well as local authority officers, provided additional support to ensure that the project application was delivered in line with expectations.


Following consultation, residents were keen to ensure that the facility would be available to the wider community irrespective of potential barriers which were in place (cost, accessibility, confidence), and has resulted in a wide ranging and expansive programme of use for the site. This includes specific sessions for residents (junior and adult), engagement and involvement with the local police team to support the Foundation of Lights KICKS programme to support reduction in anti-social behaviour as well as providing a training and match play facility for disability teams and a local women and girls club.

Approximate value of project: £686,000

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